Floor inclination angle control of work gondolas (temporary elevators)

Because electrical work and cleaning work on the outside windows of buildings often involves working at heights, workers use work gondolas and temporary elevators, as shown in the image, to move to the work site.
In Japan, although there are safety regulations for work gondolas and temporary elevators, the allowable angle of inclination of their floor surfaces is not specified. However, if the floor surface is tilted, there is a possibility that the gondola or the arm supporting the elevator will be subjected to extra load compared to when the floor surface is level, and may stop due to malfunction or failure.

The further away from the ground, the greater the scale of the accident. Therefore, continuous safety is ensured by managing the floor inclination angle of work gondolas and temporary elevators on a daily basis, starting with work at low locations.
Related Lineup
Separate type inclinometer (Horizontal measurement type) SEC-S011F-H